Sunday, March 30

I heard a great commentary on 'Morning Edition' while driving back from Greensboro today. Give a listen to this short piece by former Marine, Steve Licktie (scroll down to the story called "Rules of War").
One of the things going through my mind upon listening to Iraq tactics is this: 1) Shouldn't we expect that, having given up most big-time weapons, Iraq will use desperate measures? Surely we had in mind the worst of terrorist-like force; considering Bush has been at pains to identify Hussein as a part of this general anti-terror war.
and 2) (the unspeakable, politically)- is the Iraq method of unconventional warfair really unlike the colonists' methods during the Revolutionary War?
Well, finally I heard someone make that second point. His larger thesis is this- We should not expect Iraq to 'play by the rules' during this conflict.
As i said, give a listen- its short.