Sunday, March 16

well dang, one spends a week apathetic of incoming news and look what happens. spent more time watching espn than the cnn- and visiting cold phili and warm wilmington. hopefully some pictures of that soon. in the meantime...


In Phili, i visited the two brothers, jon and adam. we were fairly fortified on tuesday night, and after visits to fussball tables and mystery fun bars, we crashed on the clean spots in adam's apartment. be ready, here comes the metaphysics:
we watched "the warriors," the soon-to-be cult classic on the rough and ready gangs in new york. the catalytic speech from the film is offered below. a fine piece of cinema- and it was a nice capstone to the visit with my brothers.
now, move forward a few days, and we find me in wilmington, north carolina, looking at shirts in a marshall's-esque store (imperfects and cheap). i find a blue shirt, and being one to never turn down that tint, i snatched it and tried it on right there in the aisle. as i adjusted my hair in the adjacent mirror, i noticed a card-shaped object in the front pocket of this new, blue shirt. pulling the card out, i faintly recognized the writing...the insiration, i should say...indeed; it was the speech below.
and on the flip side of this card was the promo picture from "the warriors." the gang walking purposefully with vests and no shirts. 'the warriors' scrawled in graffiti font above.
what was this card doing in a shirt from the express found in an imperfects store? warriors brand clothing? i looked around, but saw no leather vests or black jeans.
no, this was something more.
i reprint the speech below, straight from my destiny card:
(and please note, the speech is written as found on the card)

"Can you count, suckahs?!
I say the future is ours...if you can count.
Now, look what we have here before us...
you have the soransons sitting next to the Jone Street Boys
we've got the moon runners right by the cortland rangers
nobody is wasting nobody... this is a miracle
and miracles is the way things ought to be.
You're standing right now with 9 delegates from a hundred gangs,
and there's over a hundred more.
That's twenty thousand hard core members
forty thousand counting affiliates
and twenty thousand more not organized but ready to fight...

sixty thousand soldiers.

can you dig it...CAN you DIG IT.....CAN YOU DIIIIG IT !!

cause we got the streets suckahs!"