Thursday, June 12

My wishes are granted

One might note that I griped about the lack of discussion around the real philosophy of the tax-cutting scheme: an idea of ending federal level support for government programs- a kindof, 'if you want it, you pay for it' notion. I wondered why the goods or evils of this philosophy haven't been the center of political debate. But happily, I have reason to think the muses of political discourse have heard my call.
Go read (of all people to get this going) Friedman's article in yesterday's Times. Why?
"I would suggest that henceforth Democrats simply ask voters to substitute the word "services" for the word "taxes" every time they hear President Bush speak.

That is, when the president says he wants yet another round of reckless "tax cuts," which will shift huge burdens to our children, Democrats should simply refer to them as "service cuts," because that is the only way these tax cuts will be paid for � by cuts in services. Indeed, the Democrats' bumper sticker in 2004 should be: 'Read my lips, no new services. Thank you, President Bush.'"

I realize Friedman has not responded with this article to my blog- and that is the source of my happiness...folks out there must be voicing the same desire for this debate. Keep it up.