Tuesday, June 24

Those damn Chapel Hill snobs...
(from the Onion) Area Man Constantly Mentioning He Doesn't Own a Television
"CHAPEL HILL, NC�Area resident Jonathan Green does not own a television, a fact he repeatedly points out to friends, family, and coworkers�as well as to his mailman, neighborhood convenience-store clerks, and the man who cleans the hallways in his apartment building.

"I, personally, would rather spend my time doing something useful than watch television," Green told a random woman Monday at the Suds 'N' Duds Laundromat, noticing the establishment's wall-mounted TV. 'I don't even own one.'"
""I'm not an elitist," Green said. "It's just that I'd much rather sculpt or write in my journal or read Proust than sit there passively staring at some phosphorescent screen.""