Monday, September 15

Alabama tax...

I reckon Christian values are up to debate.
RepublicanGov. Riley argued that increasing taxes was a Christian duty. For that, I fell in love with him- because he articulated the moral foundation of the U.S. progressive tax scheme. (and conversely, why we ought to be outraged at the current administration's domestic agenda). While I'd expand that to a larger moral (as opposed to merely 'Christian')duty, I agree in full. As he said, 'It is immoral to charge somebody making $5,000 an income tax.' (Especially when that person is paying more income tax than a corporation making several million more.
But I reckon moral values are relative:

An anti-tax coalition comprised of angry property owners and preachers sprang into action. Remember the furor a few weeks ago over removing the Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Supreme Court?

"I received a phone call over the weekend from the head of the Christian Coalition of Alabama saying that the very same people who took the monument out of the judicial building are now trying to raise your taxes," said political columnist Bob Ingram who has covered politics for 50 years.

(From CNN.)