Wednesday, November 26

Why does Ashcroft want to help terrorists?

(via Etzioni, and WaPo)

The FBI initiated a background check system to notify them when suspected terrorists attempt to buy guns. So far, more than a dozen such suspects have attempted to buy guns.

HOWEVER, Ashcroft strands in the way of effective use of this system. Why? His interpretation of the Brady Bill. Ashcroft does not allow the system to report gun purchases if the transaction occurs. Only if the transaction fails do the FBI find out that a terror suspect tried to buy a gun.
"The result, according to the officials, is an awkward situation in which terrorism suspects who do not complete gun purchases may be located but those toting lawfully purchased weapons may not be sought."
"Being a suspected member of a terrorist organization doesn't disqualify a person from owning a gun any more than being under investigation for a non-terrorism felony would," a Justice Department official said in a written statement

Gun-control advocates said the rules endanger Americans by giving suspected terrorists an opportunity to evade scrutiny while obtaining weapons. The situation also has frustrated many law enforcement officials eager to monitor the whereabouts and activities of suspected terrorist operatives and their associates.

"This policy is mind-boggling," said Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who has frequently clashed with Ashcroft on gun issues. "We could have a nationwide lookout for a known terrorist within our borders, but if he obtained a weapon, the Justice Department's policy is to refuse to reveal his location to law enforcement officials."

What was that? read that right..."Being a suspected terrorist doen't disqualify a person from owning a gun" any more than another felon. Is that so? A terrorist suspect is treated the same as a person who kicks a cat in Georgia?
And I thought 9-11 changed everything?

(in related news)

GOP has struck a deal... background info will now be kept only 24 hours, rather than 90 days. So much for the well regulated militia. I'm sure a day is enough for our efficient feds to find out if Mr. No-Good is the one buying that gun.