Thursday, January 8

Happy 2004...
well the winter hiatus is over, and we will begin blogging with some regularity once again. I get the feeling this will be a fun spring, what with the several supreme court decisions and still to be heard cases, the dems' primary, and Carolina basketball.

Good to see you again.

So...talking about that last item:

For the Local Crowd

Is Caulton Tudor trying to attemp Dick Vitale as the most annoying sports commentator in existence? Today's column on Rashad McCants seals the deal, I will never or only with great skepticism read his work in the future.
In a nutshell, Tudor seems to rely on his own sensibilities about facial expressions and an ear for rumors to craft what may be the most stupidly obtuse sports column ever written.
According to Tudor, half of the entertainment in Carolina basketball is a so-called battle between Roy and McCants:
there's been the sideshow -- the latest installment in the unpredictable soap opera starring the first-year coach Williams and the second-year McCants.

The suspense in the latter has been thick as tar, too.

Will Roy stomp and shout at Rashad?

Will Rashad glare and pout at Roy?

Who dares blink first in this cold war of hot tempers?

Oh yeah...when I'm at the game I'm just on the edge of my seat in antsiness over the great blow out between these two.


No one --except 1) conspiracy theorists (that happen to watch sports instead of politics) and 2) columnists that are better suited to write for soap opera and 'People Magazine'-- really cares about this. Sure, most of us realize that Mr. Wiliams is setting up a particular way of playing- and that some players are merely 19 years old or so and just want to get out there and play. This is not new.
It is also not a "cold war" where the better entrenched party will survive. Indeed, my suspicion is that the stories of inter-team clash stem mainly from members of the anti-Carolina squad.
Screw them and their rumors.