Wednesday, March 31

Congratulations to Air American Radio, launching its broadcasts today.

The Progressive voice takes airs on talk radio, currently on 6 AM stations. You can listen here. Currently on, from 11a.m. to 2p.m., the O'Franken Factor.

Update for locals: Sadly, streaming will be my only access to Air America...but I was oh so close. My local AM station here in Chapel Hill, WCHL, almost took up some of Air America's program. But Air America is affiliate only, as opposed to letting stations take up a show or two. WCHL wanted the O'Franken Factor and Majority Report, but didn't want to go all day Air America.
As for now, no deal. Maybe they'll figure something out down the road. Seems to make sense that Air America would syndicate some of these shows- if they want as much exposure as possible.