Wednesday, April 14

"We all understood bin Laden's intent to strike the homeland but were unable to translate this knowledge into an effective defense of the country," Tenet said.
"This is not a clinical excuse," he said. "No matter how hard we worked or how desperately we tried, it was not enough."

This is the type of straight talk and obvious statement I speak of when I wonder why the President (any president) refuses such a statement. Why won't they say: we tried, but in the end, we failed in some way to protect Americans from terror. We hope the 9/11 Commission will assist in solving the problem.
Tenet and Clarke have said just that. This is not so much to bash the current administration --and honestly I have no idea what Clinton has or has not said to this effect. It is rather a confusion with the politics. More than anything, I'm simply mystified at why such remarks are supposedly damaging politically.