Monday, March 15

Go, French, Go
So the French soldiers have come close to capturing Mr. bin Laden- and I hope they nab him soon. Maybe then, my beloved french fires will come back.
And, could you imagine Bush saying this, noting that bin Laden's capture is more symbolic than effective:
France's senior military officer said today that Osama bin Laden had on several occasions narrowly escaped capture by French troops working alongside American forces in Afghanistan, although he conceded that Mr. bin Laden's capture would not in itself suffice to dismantle Al Qaeda.

"It will change nothing directly," Gen. Henri Bentegeat, the chief of staff of the French armed forces, said in an interview with France's Europe-1 radio station. He said that Al Qaeda is "a hydra, so if you catch one head, there will be others." But he added that Mr. bin Laden's capture was indispensable "on principle, for justice and for the innumerable victims of these monstrous attacks."

[emph added]