Buyout Waffle
Waffling close to home.
A candidate's saying what his audience wants to hear, and in doing so changeing his position on an issue is truly disturbing. A candidate that changing his mind after reflection and debate is not at all disturbing. It is left to our best estimates and biases which above activity a candidate practices when that candidate shifts gears mid-issue. Because the GOP primary mode of attack against Kerry is and will continue to be focused on any such changes in policy positioning, it is only fair to, as a partisan, hold up the mirror.
President Bush changed position quite clearly on an issue dear to NC vote-seekers. Early this past May, Bush said this:
They've got the quota system in place -- the allotment system -- and I don't think that needs to be changed.
Oops. The buyout is supported without real dissent in all the old tobacco states. Richard Burr, amongst other Republicans, educated Bush to this after the comment. Then, we have this:
After the House vote Thursday, White House spokeswoman Jeanie Mamo said "the administration is open to a buyout. We will work with Congress."
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