Monday, November 15

Spitz for Gov

NY Politics.
It is quite big news, if you've been following NY State politics, that Senator Schumer today ruled out a run for Governor. Pundits have long been awaiting a Schumer/Spitzer showdown in the primaries, now quickly approaching. I must say, I'm happy to not see the two go at it. I am only curious, now, if Spitzer will really be happy as Governor, unable to Sue for the People.

Schumer goes on to head up the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and takes a seat on the Finance Committee. With that power, is it an suprise he says: "I've been a legislator my whole life, it's what I know how to do. I know people didn't believe me, but Senate was the only thing on my radar screen."?

As for NY's current gov., Pataki: he gets mentioned as a possible GOP presidential candidate in 2008. It just occured to me--in speaking and presence (style, not substance), Pataki sort of reminds me of Gephart. Anyone else get that?