Sunday, July 13

very good bit, from Kevin Drum at CalPundit, on Why the Uranium Matters. Namely, he discusses why the issue matters on a political scale.

"So while the uranium is only a symbol, it's a powerful one. George Bush says we live in an era of preemptive war, and in such an era � lacking the plain provocation of an attack � how else can the citizenry make up its mind except by listening to its leaders? In the end, we went to war because a majority of the population trusted George Bush when he presented his case that Iraq posed an imminent danger to the United States and the world.

Uranium-Gate is a symbol of that misplaced trust. If George Bush's judgment had been vindicated in Iraq, a single sentence in the State of the Union address wouldn't matter. But it hasn't, and he deserves to be held accountable for his poor judgment by everybody who believed him.

And that's why those 16 words matter."