Monday, July 7

Israel Blog

(Over the next few weeks (or months) I'll be tossing in a blog of my friend's travels in Israel. Micah has recently set off to Jerusalem in order to study his Judaism- but I will leave the presentation of further details to him.)

let me tell you everything. the flight to geneva was awsome, with the exception of some very tiny seats. there was the advanced in flight entertainment system that gave me a choice of mvies (which were all shit)or video games, or flight status display, and as i was busy with harry potter i used the flight display most of the time, though i did attempt some of the games. the flight over switzerland was beautiful. and when i landed all of the adds were for watches and banks, i almost thought it was a joke. then i swithced to an elal flight for the last leg to israel. that was uneventful.
my first night i spent in tel aviv and it was good. then on friday (the next day) i went to jerusalem and met up with mike able. that was awesome. we had some lunch and got ready for shabbos. we went to one of his teachers houses this guy was from manchester and very nice. we went to pray, then walked to his house. (this was in a bedroom community called beit shemesh.) we had some dnner and hung out. the next day afer praying we walked back to the rabbis house and everbody got super drunk. this was in the middle of the afternoon. then we went back to jerusalem. After that, days progressed and i went to learn at my yeshiva (religious school). i am in classes 10 hours a day. but i have the freedom to come and go as there is no compulsion to attend. monday night I went out with mike and his friends to all you can eat sushi it cost 135 shekels which is about 30 bucks. that is quite alot. then he and i missioned (south african for walked) down to the old city and prayed at the wall. it was great. today i will meet my sister and maybe see andrea later.
i will hope fully email you with some thoughts and craziness, but i am running out of time now.